Privacy Policy

User Authentication with Firebase Auth

Our app utilizes Firebase Auth, a service provided by Google LLC, for user authentication. When you create an account or sign in to our app using your email address, Firebase Auth securely manages the authentication process. We do not collect any additional personal data beyond what is necessary for authentication purposes.

Firebase Auth may collect certain information as described in Google's Privacy Policy. Please review the Google Privacy Policy for more information on how Firebase Auth handles user data.

User-Generated Content

Our app allows users to create and store assignments using Firebase Realtime Database. Any information or content provided by users, such as assignment names, due dates, descriptions, and other related data, may be stored in Firebase Realtime Database.

We do not access or use this user-generated content for any purposes other than providing the functionality of our app

By using our app and creating or storing user-generated content, you agree to allow us to collect, store, and process this information as described in this privacy policy.

For more information on how Firebase handles user data, please review the Firebase Privacy Policy.

Contact Information and Support

Any queries can be sent to